Google Shell 风格规范
使用哪种 Shell
Bash 是唯一允许可执行程序使用的 shell / 脚本语言。
可执行文件必须以 #!/bin/bash
开头和最少数量的标志。 使用 set
设置 shell 选项,以便将脚本调用为 bash 脚本名称不会破坏其功能。
将所有可执行 shell 脚本限制为 bash 可以为我们提供一个安装在所有计算机上的一致的 shell 语言。
唯一的例外是,无论你在编写什么代码,你都不得不这样做。 这方面的一个例子是 Solaris SVR4包,它要求任何脚本都使用普通的 Bourne shell。
When to use Shell
Shell 应该只用于小型实用程序或简单的包装器脚本。
虽然 shell 脚本不是一种开发语言,但它用于编写贯穿 Google 的各种实用脚本。 这个样式指南更多的是对其使用的认可,而不是建议将其用于广泛的部署。
Some guidelines:
- 如果你主要是调用一些其它的实用程序,和正在做一些相对较少的数据处理,那么shell是该任务可以接受的选择
- 如果你在乎性能,那么使用其它开发语言而不是shell
- If you are writing a script that is more than 100 lines long, or that uses non-straightforward control flow logic, you should rewrite it in a more structured language now. Bear in mind that scripts grow. Rewrite your script early to avoid a more time-consuming rewrite at a later date.
- When assessing the complexity of your code (e.g. to decide whether to switch languages) consider whether the code is easily maintainable by people other than its author.
Shell Files and Interpreter Invocation
在执行程序时,不需要知道程序是用什么语言编写的,shell 不需要扩展,因此我们不希望为可执行程序使用扩展。
However, for libraries it’s important to know what language it is and sometimes there’s a need to have similar libraries in different languages. This allows library files with identical purposes but different languages to be identically named except for the language-specific suffix.
【SUID和SGID 在Shell脚本中禁用。】
There are too many security issues with shell that make it nearly impossible to secure sufficiently to allow SUID/SGID. While bash does make it difficult to run SUID, it’s still possible on some platforms which is why we’re being explicit about banning it.
如果需要,可以使用 sudo 提供高级访问。
所有的错误消息都应该发送到 STDERR
1 | err() { |
每个文件必须有一个顶级注释,包括其内容的简要概述。 版权声明和作者信息是可选的。
1 |
Function Comments
任何不是显而易见和简短的函数都必须被注释。 库中的任何函数都必须注释,而不管其长度或复杂性如何。
所有函数注释都应该使用以下方法描述预期的 API 行为:
- 函数的描述信息
- Globals: 使用的和修改的全局变量
- Arguments: 参数信息
- Outputs: 输出到 STDOUT 或 STDERR
- Returns: 返回值而不是最后一条命令的退出状态码
1 | ####################################### |
Implementation 注释
这遵循了一般的 Google 编码注释实践。 不要注释所有事情。 如果有一个复杂的算法,或者你正在做一些不寻常的事情,在里面加一个简短的评论。
对于临时的、短期的解决方案或足够好但不完美的代码,使用 TODO 注释。
This matches the convention in the C++ Guide.
s should include the string TODO
in all caps, followed by the name, e-mail address, or other identifier of the person with the best context about the problem referenced by the TODO
. The main purpose is to have a consistent TODO
that can be searched to find out how to get more details upon request. A TODO
is not a commitment that the person referenced will fix the problem. Thus when you create a TODO
, it is almost always your name that is given.
1 | # TODO(mrmonkey): Handle the unlikely edge cases (bug ####) |
Line Length and Long Strings
1 | # DO use 'here document's |
1 | # All fits on one line |
让; do
和; then
Shell 中的循环稍有不同,但我们在声明函数时遵循与大括号相同的原则。 也就是: ; then 和; do 应该与 if / for / while 在同一行上。 Else 应该在自己的行上,结束语句应该在自己的行上与开始语句垂直对齐。
1 | # If inside a function, consider declaring the loop variable as |
- 通过2个空格来缩进
- A one-line alternative needs a space after the close parenthesis of the pattern and before the
. - Long or multi-command alternatives should be split over multiple lines with the pattern, actions, and
on separate lines.
The matching expressions are indented one level from the case
and esac
. Multiline actions are indented another level. In general, there is no need to quote match expressions. Pattern expressions should not be preceded by an open parenthesis. Avoid the ;&
and ;;&
1 | case "${expression}" in |
Simple commands may be put on the same line as the pattern and ;;
as long as the expression remains readable. This is often appropriate for single-letter option processing. When the actions don’t fit on a single line, put the pattern on a line on its own, then the actions, then ;;
also on a line of its own. When on the same line as the actions, use a space after the close parenthesis of the pattern and another before the ;;
1 | verbose='false' |
In order of precedence: Stay consistent with what you find; quote your variables; prefer "${var}"
over "$var"
These are strongly recommended guidelines but not mandatory regulation. Nonetheless, the fact that it’s a recommendation and not mandatory doesn’t mean it should be taken lightly or downplayed.
- 保留你发现的现有代码的一致性的地方
- 将你的变量引起来,请看”引用”这个章节
- 不要对单个字符的shell特殊变量或者是位置参数使用括号引用,除非强烈需求或者是为了避免深层次的困惑,优先使用括号引用其它任何变量
1 | # Section of *recommended* cases. |
1 | # Section of *discouraged* cases |
NOTE: Using braces in ${var}
is not a form of quoting. “Double quotes” must be used as well.
- Always quote strings containing variables, command substitutions, spaces or shell meta characters, unless careful unquoted expansion is required or it’s a shell-internal integer (see next point).
- Use arrays for safe quoting of lists of elements, especially command-line flags. See Arrays below.
- Optionally quote shell-internal, readonly special variables that are defined to be integers:
(man bash). Prefer quoting of “named” internal integer variables, e.g. PPID etc for consistency. - Prefer quoting strings that are “words” (as opposed to command options or path names).
- Never quote literal integers.
- Be aware of the quoting rules for pattern matches in
[[ … ]]
. See the Test,[ … ]
, and[[ … ]]
section below. - Use
unless you have a specific reason to use$*
, such as simply appending the arguments to a string in a message or log.
1 | # 'Single' quotes indicate that no substitution is desired. |
The ShellCheck project identifies common bugs and warnings for your shell scripts. It is recommended for all scripts, large or small.
Command Substitution
Use $(command)
instead of backticks.
Nested backticks require escaping the inner ones with \
. The $(command)
format doesn’t change when nested and is easier to read.
1 | # This is preferred: |
1 | # This is not: |
Test, [ … ]
, and [[ … ]]
[[ … ]]
is preferred over [ … ]
, test
and /usr/bin/[
[[ … ]]
reduces errors as no pathname expansion or word splitting takes place between [[
and ]]
. In addition, [[ … ]]
allows for regular expression matching, while [ … ]
does not.
1 | # This ensures the string on the left is made up of characters in |
1 | # This gives a "too many arguments" error as f* is expanded to the |
For the gory details, see E14 at
Testing Strings
Use quotes rather than filler characters where possible.
Bash is smart enough to deal with an empty string in a test. So, given that the code is much easier to read, use tests for empty/non-empty strings or empty strings rather than filler characters.
1 | # Do this: |
1 | # Not this: |
To avoid confusion about what you’re testing for, explicitly use -z
or -n
1 | # Use this |
1 | # Instead of this |
For clarity, use ==
for equality rather than =
even though both work. The former encourages the use of [[
and the latter can be confused with an assignment. However, be careful when using <
and >
in [[ … ]]
which performs a lexicographical comparison. Use (( … ))
or -lt
and -gt
for numerical comparison.
1 | # Use this |
1 | # Instead of this |
Wildcard Expansion of Filenames
Use an explicit path when doing wildcard expansion of filenames.
As filenames can begin with a -
, it’s a lot safer to expand wildcards with ./*
instead of *
1 | # Here's the contents of the directory: |
1 | # As opposed to: |
should be avoided.
Eval munges the input when used for assignment to variables and can set variables without making it possible to check what those variables were.
1 | # What does this set? |
Bash arrays should be used to store lists of elements, to avoid quoting complications. This particularly applies to argument lists. Arrays should not be used to facilitate more complex data structures (see When to use Shell above).
Arrays store an ordered collection of strings, and can be safely expanded into individual elements for a command or loop.
Using a single string for multiple command arguments should be avoided, as it inevitably leads to authors using eval
or trying to nest quotes inside the string, which does not give reliable or readable results and leads to needless complexity.
1 | # An array is assigned using parentheses, and can be appended to |
1 | # Don’t use strings for sequences. |
1 | # Command expansions return single strings, not arrays. Avoid |
Arrays Pros
- Using Arrays allows lists of things without confusing quoting semantics. Conversely, not using arrays leads to misguided attempts to nest quoting inside a string.
- Arrays make it possible to safely store sequences/lists of arbitrary strings, including strings containing whitespace.
Arrays Cons
Using arrays can risk a script’s complexity growing.
Arrays Decision
Arrays should be used to safely create and pass around lists. In particular, when building a set of command arguments, use arrays to avoid confusing quoting issues. Use quoted expansion – "${array[@]}"
– to access arrays. However, if more advanced data manipulation is required, shell scripting should be avoided altogether; see above.
Pipes to While
Use process substitution or the readarray
builtin (bash4+) in preference to piping to while
. Pipes create a subshell, so any variables modified within a pipeline do not propagate to the parent shell.
The implicit subshell in a pipe to while
can introduce subtle bugs that are hard to track down.
1 | last_line='NULL' |
Using process substitution also creates a subshell. However, it allows redirecting from a subshell to a while
without putting the while
(or any other command) in a subshell.
1 | last_line='NULL' |
Alternatively, use the readarray
builtin to read the file into an array, then loop over the array’s contents. Notice that (for the same reason as above) you need to use a process substitution with readarray
rather than a pipe, but with the advantage that the input generation for the loop is located before it, rather than after.
1 | last_line='NULL' |
Note: Be cautious using a for-loop to iterate over output, as in
for var in $(...)
, as the output is split by whitespace, not by line. Sometimes you will know this is safe because the output can’t contain any unexpected whitespace, but where this isn’t obvious or doesn’t improve readability (such as a long command inside$(...)
), awhile read
loop orreadarray
is often safer and clearer.
Always use (( … ))
or $(( … ))
rather than let
or $[ … ]
or expr
Never use the $[ … ]
syntax, the expr
command, or the let
and >
don’t perform numerical comparison inside [[ … ]]
expressions (they perform lexicographical comparisons instead; see Testing Strings). For preference, don’t use [[ … ]]
at all for numeric comparisons, use (( … ))
It is recommended to avoid using (( … ))
as a standalone statement, and otherwise be wary of its expression evaluating to zero
- particularly with
set -e
enabled. For example,set -e; i=0; (( i++ ))
will cause the shell to exit.
1 | # Simple calculation used as text - note the use of $(( … )) within |
1 | # This form is non-portable and deprecated |
Stylistic considerations aside, the shell’s built-in arithmetic is many times faster than expr
When using variables, the ${var}
(and $var
) forms are not required within $(( … ))
. The shell knows to look up var
for you, and omitting the ${…}
leads to cleaner code. This is slightly contrary to the previous rule about always using braces, so this is a recommendation only.
1 | # N.B.: Remember to declare your variables as integers when |
Naming Conventions
Function Names
Lower-case, with underscores to separate words. Separate libraries with ::
. Parentheses are required after the function name. The keyword function
is optional, but must be used consistently throughout a project.
If you’re writing single functions, use lowercase and separate words with underscore. If you’re writing a package, separate package names with ::
. Braces must be on the same line as the function name (as with other languages at Google) and no space between the function name and the parenthesis.
1 | # Single function |
The function
keyword is extraneous when “()” is present after the function name, but enhances quick identification of functions.
Variable Names
As for function names.
Variables names for loops should be similarly named for any variable you’re looping through.
1 | for zone in "${zones[@]}"; do |
Constants and Environment Variable Names
All caps, separated with underscores, declared at the top of the file.
Constants and anything exported to the environment should be capitalized.
1 | # Constant |
Some things become constant at their first setting (for example, via getopts). Thus, it’s OK to set a constant in getopts or based on a condition, but it should be made readonly immediately afterwards. For the sake of clarity readonly
or export
is recommended instead of the equivalent declare
1 | VERBOSE='false' |
Source Filenames
Lowercase, with underscores to separate words if desired.
This is for consistency with other code styles in Google: maketemplate
or make_template
but not make-template
Read-only Variables
Use readonly
or declare -r
to ensure they’re read only.
As globals are widely used in shell, it’s important to catch errors when working with them. When you declare a variable that is meant to be read-only, make this explicit.
1 | zip_version="$(dpkg --status zip | grep Version: | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" |
Use Local Variables
Declare function-specific variables with local
. Declaration and assignment should be on different lines.
Ensure that local variables are only seen inside a function and its children by using local
when declaring them. This avoids polluting the global name space and inadvertently setting variables that may have significance outside the function.
Declaration and assignment must be separate statements when the assignment value is provided by a command substitution; as thelocal
builtin does not propagate the exit code from the command substitution.
1 | my_func2() { |
1 | my_func2() { |
Function Location
Put all functions together in the file just below constants. Don’t hide executable code between functions. Doing so makes the code difficult to follow and results in nasty surprises when debugging.
If you’ve got functions, put them all together near the top of the file. Only includes, set
statements and setting constants may be done before declaring functions.
A function called main
is required for scripts long enough to contain at least one other function.
In order to easily find the start of the program, put the main program in a function called main
as the bottom most function. This provides consistency with the rest of the code base as well as allowing you to define more variables as local
(which can’t be done if the main code is not a function). The last non-comment line in the file should be a call to main
1 | main "$@" |
Obviously, for short scripts where it’s just a linear flow, main
is overkill and so is not required.
1 | if ! mv "${file_list[@]}" "${dest_dir}/"; then |
Bash also has the PIPESTATUS
variable that allows checking of the return code from all parts of a pipe. If it’s only necessary to check success or failure of the whole pipe, then the following is acceptable:
1 | tar -cf - ./* | ( cd "${dir}" && tar -xf - ) |
However, as PIPESTATUS
will be overwritten as soon as you do any other command, if you need to act differently on errors based on where it happened in the pipe, you’ll need to assign PIPESTATUS
to another variable immediately after running the command (don’t forget that [
is a command and will wipe out PIPESTATUS
1 | tar -cf - ./* | ( cd "${DIR}" && tar -xf - ) |
内置命令 vs 外部命令
调用 shell 内置命令和调用一个单独的进程在两者这件做出选择,选择调用内置命令.
我更喜欢使用内置命令,例如函数参数扩展 (bash(1)),它更加健壮和更可一致性.(尤其和像sed想比较而言)
1 | # Prefer this: |
1 | # Instead of this: |
请花几分钟阅读下google code style C++ Guide 的Parting words章节. .
修订版 2.02